Visit our other sites for details on the additional services we provide:

Competitive Sports
Community Sports Hub
Active Communities
Duke of Edinburgh
The Dolphin House
Coaching & Volunteers


Keep up to date with all the latest news and events from Active Ayrshire Schools.

Stay Active at Home

Stay Active at Home

Active Schools have developed a programme to offer sports equipment packs for families who need support to engage in physical activity and sport at home. Working with various funding partners, local sports clubs, organisations, businesses and National Governing Bodies...

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

Active Schools presented Primary Schools within the Carrick cluster an opportunity to participate in Outdoor Learning opportunities at Culzean Country Park and Maidens Beach. Schools within the Carrick cluster were offered the opportunity for Outdoor Learning for...

Troon Health Walk

Troon Health Walk

As part of our ongoing partnership with Paths for All to establish and support health walks we have recently started a new health walk in Troon. The walk is running within current covid guidelines and is open to up to 30 participants weekly on Wednesdays at 10am....

Get involved in Active Schools. Find out how you can help by becoming a volunteer. Call 01292 294191 or email activeschools@south-ayrshire.gov.uk