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Active Schools
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Community Sports Hub
Active Communities
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Coaching & Volunteers


All courses are free and it is expected that qualifications and experience gained by individuals will be used in volunteering opportunities within South Ayrshire. Names will be taken on a first come basis. Additional courses can be arranged depending on demand.

*e-induction required (online training course)

Further opportunities

Further training opportunities may be offered to committed individuals including activity specific training such as Mountain Bike Leader, Summer Mountain Leader and Water Sports qualifications.

Modular Training Framework, e-induction

The DofE have created a Modular Training Framework which presents a wide range of flexible, relevant and high quality training opportunities. This includes a free online e-induction – the ideal training resource for any new volunteers or to up-skill existing volunteers. A free PDF information sheet on each course plus the learning outcomes can be downloaded. *Prior to attending any course, all delegates must have completed the online e-induction module and provide your letter of completion.

DofE Expedition Supervisors Course

Training course for those who wish to supervise or organise DofE Expeditions in their role. Recommended at those who hold or are working on outdoor leadership qualifications, as on its own this course is insufficient to lead expeditions. Nationally accredited. Small pre-course e-learning tasks.

DofE Introduction to the Award*

Learn and understand how to operate the Award in your school and use eDofE. e-induction training programme is required before attending this course.

DofE Expedition Assessor Course*

This course covers all aspects of the roles and responsibilities of Expedition Assessors. for Bronze, Silver and Gold.

First Aid Course

Basic life support, safety, CPR, fractures, wounds, indoor and outdoor practical sessions. (This is specifically targeted only at individuals who are involved in expedition training and supervising)

Hill and Moorland Course

National governing body qualification, training aspirant leaders in the skills required to lead hillwalking groups in summer conditions. There is a 3-day training course followed by a consolidation period and a 3-day assessment.

For more information email