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The Sports Awards are an opportunity to highlight and recognise both junior and senior sporting achievements, and the invaluable voluntary contribution from parents, pupils, coaches, athletes and officials in schools and communities across South Ayrshire.

South Ayrshire Sports Awards 2024 Winners, Finalists & Guests

Thank you to Alex McMinn, Marr College, St Patricks’ Primary School choir, Jacob Wright and Sophia Blair (St Ninians’ Primary School) for providing  entertainment during the evening.


Young Active Schools Volunteer of the Year

Winner: Amy Main (Prestwick Academy)

Finalists: Jack Templeton (Prestwick Academy) and Mollie Small (Prestwick Academy)

Active Schools Leader of the Year (Silver)

Winner: Tamzine Adams (Ayr Academy)

Finalists: Hayley Minnis (Carrick Academy) and Rachel Hill (Marr College)

Active Schools Leader of the Year (Gold)

Winner: Declan Baird (Marr College)

Finalists: Emily Forrester, Kayla Walker and Kiara Boyle (Ayr Academy) and Eva McAughie (Prestwick Academy)

Active Schools Volunteer of the Year 

Winner: Craig Macmorland (Maidens PS)

Finalists: Laura Wallace (Glenburn PS) and Rory Hall (Alloway PS)

Active Schools Volunteer of the Year 

Winner: Craig Macmorland (Maidens PS)

Finalists: Laura Wallace (Glenburn PS) and Rory Hall (Alloway PS)

Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

Mike Boles (Swimming)

Jess Reid (Volleyball)

Tom Campbell (Basketball)

Young Volunteer of the Year

Winner: Lauren Brown (Carrick Rugby Club)

Finalists: Daryl Conway (Carrick Rugby Club) and Gregor McMillan (Whitlett’s Victoria 2013’s)

Volunteer of the Year

Winner: Alison Braddock (Troon Handball Club)

Finalists: Anna Connon (Carrick Rugby Club) and Eric Belton (Ayr United Strollers)

Inclusive Coach of the Year

Winner: Chris Nicol (Tam’s Brig Judo Club)

Finalists: Louise Stinson (Ayr Figure Skating Club) and Victor Crockford (Prestwick Howie Bowling Club)

Inclusive Coach of the Year

Winner: Chris Nicol (Tam’s Brig Judo Club)

Finalists: Louise Stinson (Ayr Figure Skating Club) and Victor Crockford (Prestwick Howie Bowling Club)

Initiative of the Year

Winner: South Ayrshire Table Tennis Club

Finalists: Friday night Ruck n Roast (Carrick Rugby Club) and Bright Ideas for Tennis (Prestwick Tennis Centre)

Special Recognition Award Winner

John McKenna (Dalmilling PS)

Volunteer Coach of the Year

Winner: Andy Gamble (Carrick Rugby Club)

Finalists: Iain McGregor (Glenburn Miners Welfare Club) and Zoe Gibson (MacNetball)

Sue McClure Recognition Award

Winner: Jacob Wright (Ashley Cochrane School of Dance)

Finalists: Conor Bickerstaff (Marr Rugby Club) and Marcus Ulivi (Ayr Seaforth Athletics Club)

Talented Athlete Award

Winner: Lloyd Thompson (Figure Skating)

Finalists: Laura Paterson (Archery) and Sophia Blair (Lyrical Dance)

Team of the Year

Winner: Ayrshire Bulls (Rugby)

Finalists: Ayrshire Tigers (Powerchair Football) and Senjokai Karate Academy World Championship Squad

Provost Club of the Year

Winner: Carrick Rugby Club

Finalists: Ayr Rugby Club and Senjokai Karate Academy