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Leadership /

Sports Leaders and Sport & Recreation

Active Schools Coordinators are involved in the delivery of Sports Leaders UK courses within Secondary Schools we also support the delivery of the Sport and Recreation National 5 & Higher courses across South Ayrshire.

Both courses are designed to equip pupils with the skills and knowledge to develop and deliver sporting activities in their own schools and communities.

As a result of these programmes, pupils have been given the opportunity to deliver sport in their local cluster primaries and own secondary. This programme has a massive impact on encouraging children to stay healthy and active in our extra-curricular programmes.

These young leaders are then supported by their schools and the Active Schools team to deliver a range of activities and events within their own secondary school, cluster primaries and local communities. Sports Leaders are also able to assist at school competitions and events.

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Get involved in Active Schools. Find out how you can help by becoming a volunteer. Call 01292 294191 or email activeschools@south-ayrshire.gov.uk