Visit our other sites for details on the additional services we provide:

Competitive Sports
Community Sports Hub
Active Communities
Duke of Edinburgh
The Dolphin House
Coaching & Volunteers

Inspire – Disability Sport

There are two ASN schools within South Ayrshire; Invergarven and Southcraig Campus. Active Schools work to create opportunities for all pupils with additional support needs whether attending an ASN school, or a mainstream school. Our programme also supports adults with additional support needs to take part in a range of activities.

Inspire is a programme delivering a wide range of opportunities for children, young people and adults with additional support needs to take part in sport and physical activity within their school and local community.

For further information contact Cheryl Ann Cairns, ASN Coordinator 📧cherylann.cairns@south-ayrshire.gov.uk

Girvan Wheel. Young boy in wheelchair
Additional Support Needs Hurdles at Dam Park

Disability Sport projects

We deliver a range of exciting projects to increase opportunities for children, young people and adults with additional support needs to get active, and stay active!

Select project from below

To find out more about these projects, or to get involved in our programme please get in touch. Call 01292 294191 or email activeschools@south-ayrshire.gov.uk