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Stay Active at Home

Active at home
10 February 2021

Active Schools have developed a programme to offer sports equipment packs for families who need support to engage in physical activity and sport at home. Working with various funding partners, local sports clubs, organisations, businesses and National Governing Bodies we have been really fortunate to receive funding and equipment donations from as below:

William Grants
Scottish Football Association
Scottish Handball Assocation
Troon Community Sports Hub
New Life Church, Prestwick
Glenburn Miners Welfare Football Club
Foundation Scotland
Ayr Rugby Football Club
Hillhouse Quarry Group
Castlehill Church, Ayr

The funding and equipment donations will allow us to work with schools to identify families who require support to be active at home and provide packs for indoor activities, football, handball, fitness, tennis and badminton with more activities to follow. These equipment packs will link with the online resources developed by Active Schools offering ideas to families on how to stay engaged in sport whilst in lockdown. The project has brought funders and local partners together to promote the positive partnerships, and to encourage families to stay active during COVID19 to support positive physical and mental health.