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Girvan Cluster

The Girvan school cluster is made up of 1 Academy and 6 Primary schools: Girvan Academy, Girvan Primary School, Sacred Heart Primary School, Dailly Primary School, Ballantrae Primary School, Colmonell Primary School, Barr Primary School and Barrhill Primary School.

There are currently 3 schools with a SportScotland Gold School Sport Award.

In our cluster there are a number of different leadership opportunities that you can take participate in either as a primary or secondary aged pupil:

  • Young Ambassadors: Each year two pupils from Girvan Academy have the opportunity to be selected as Young Ambassadors to promote sport, and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport in the school, local clubs and our community.

  • Sport Academy: Girvan Academy pupils are working towards gaining a number of different sports coaching qualifications throughout this academic year. These pupils will work with the Active Girvan team to gain experience delivering a variety of sports to the community.

  • Dance Leaders: The Active Schools Dance Academy has been developed to target teenagers with an interest in dance. Pupils work through the SCQF Level 5 Award in Dance Leadership. We currently have 3 Dance leaders in the Girvan Cluster.

  • Young Ambassadors: Each year two pupils from Girvan Academy have the opportunity to be selected as Young Ambassadors to promote sport, and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport in the school, local clubs and our community.

  • Coaching Academy: The Coach Education Academy programme is an educational sport qualification programme for senior pupils from all secondary schools within South Ayrshire Council. We currently have 4 pupils enrolled in the coach education academy.

  • School Sports Council: A group of pupils who help shape the sport and physical activity offering in the school. Every school in the cluster has their own sports council. With each council having different priorities.

  • Junior Coaching Academy: JCA teaches pupils the skills needed to be sports coaches, pupils are then supported to deliver their own lunch clubs for younger children.

  • Playground Leader: PL’s are responsible for delivering an activity at school break time in a dedicated activity area – trained by the ASC and supported by playground staff.

Extra-Curricular and Competitions

Girvan Academy P.E Department run a range of extra-curricular opportunities at lunchtime and after school. With many team’s part of local leagues and competitive school sport competitions. Through “Sport Academy” Girvan Academy pupils support a wide range of extra-curricular, afterschool and community clubs through South Carrick. All primary schools in the cluster take part in the competitive primary school sport calendar.


Girvan cluster schools have strong links with a number of different sport clubs and organisations who provide a pathway from school activity to community sport. We work closely with Girvan Community Sport Hub to develop new and exciting opportunities out with school and term time so that all children and young people can be active year-round.

Some examples of sporting pathways in Girvan are: Turnberry Golf Club; Prestwick Tennis Centre, The Quay Zone, Girvan Harriers, Barr Bowling Club, Street Games, That Friday Thing; Try-Athlon and Girls Football.

Contact: Caitlin.Flanagan@south-ayrshire.gov.uk

Active Schools Coordinator (Girvan Cluster)

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Get involved in Active Schools. Find out how to increase sport and physical activity within your school. Call 01292 294191 or email activeschools@south-ayrshire.gov.uk